Pro-Choicers Should Just Copy/Paste The Statue

Someone thinks that Britney Spears is the perfect model for the Pro-Life message? Now that’s irony. (thanks Dave) I think she’s an ideal model for the Malthion X project, personally.

A nude Britney Spears on a bearskin rug while giving birth to her firstborn marks a ‘first’ for Pro-Life. Pop-star Britney Spears is the “ideal” model for Pro-Life and the subject of a dedication at Capla Kesting Fine Art in Brooklyn’s Williamsburg gallery district, in what is proclaimed the first Pro-Life monument to birth, in April.

Dedication of the life-sized statue celebrates the recent birth of Spears’ baby boy, Sean, and applauds her decision of placing family before career. “A superstar at Britney’s young age having a child is rare in today’s celebrity culture. This dedication honors Britney for the rarity of her choice and bravery of her decision,” said gallery co-director, Lincoln Capla. The dedication includes materials provided by Manhattan Right To Life Committee.

That is fucking revolting. It’s disgusting enough to know that she and that mouth breather successfully procreated, let alone have to witness her squeeze that little bloody product of white trash lust out of her gaping loins. Ecch, if Kevin didn’t put out shit like Popozao to keep me entertained (laughing), I’d have to sic the monkey whordes on the entire shoeless clan.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. subject lines are gayI KNOW that doesn’t look a thing like Britney because it turns me on and she hasn’t since 2000.Also, i’m something of an expert and her legs have never looked that good.

  2. YikesSomeone should stick a slow burning fuse in the kids nostril, light it and put a sign right between the legs on that statue that says \”Fire in the hole!\”

  3. Doggy StyleIt makes her look like she is preparing to get knocked up (again) from behind, more than anything…

  4. Lookit dem titties draggin…… okay, how is it that statues of Sudam Hussein get tore down, but this thing manages to garner acceptability? I mean, Im not comparing Britney Spears to Suddam Hussein or anything, but… wait… yeh I am actually.Id love to get a picture of me beside this sculpture holding a vacume cleaner hose to Mrs. Spears seamen consuming white trash dispencer.

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