Stupid Real Life. Be More Bitchin’!

I started off the day doing proposals for this and that, figuring I’d get to my normal internet slacking, posting some pie, and being a pompous dick somewhere around 10:30AM.

*looks at watch*

Yeah, sometimes life doesn’t turn out the way you want it to. Last weekend, for example, when a few of us went to the Pancake House for some delicious breakfast. My cousin got up when we were seated, citing that he had to take a piss. His minor overshare was only worth noting, because he turned back around that corner just as swiftly as he’d disappeared behind it, only now with a look of shock and horror plastered across his mug. He sat down and stared ahead blankly, which prompted me to ask what caused his swift return and what the fuck was wrong with him. Apparently he walked into the mens room and there, at the urinal, was a 70+ year old man with his entire lower wardrobe around pulled around his ankles as he drained the lizard. Struck with the sudden sight of old wrinkly man ass and the inevitability of more sights to come, my cousin whipped right around and walked back out.

Like I said, life’s full of unexpected turns. And sometimes you’re just a raging pussy in the face of old man nudity.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Well…at least the old guy wasn’t sitting IN the urinal.\”‘Scuse me sonny, could you help me flush this thing?\”

  2. Too BadHe was shocked by the sight of an old man pissin…You need to take him out more to meet people, maybe some partys would be a first step. Does he fear women too or just old guys peein?

  3. Pussy.Has he never been to the fuckin’ beach? Old man ass is everywhere at the beach, and in the easy-to-spot day-glo bikini bottoms. They just don’t give a fuck. Hell, if I were the old man pissin, why even bother with pants to begin with? You can pull the \”I thought I was at home\” bit. A cop will kindly take you home.

  4. Stupid Real Life. Be More Bitchin’!Your cuz needs to get a refill on his prescription of ‘Wuss-Away’. Old man ass makes him ginky? Possible latent homo leanings abound. Peace.

  5. MedsYea, but I don’t think there are anybesides over-dosing that cure \”I-need-to-forget-that\” syndrome

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