X-Men 3 Footage From ShoWest

Looks fine, right up until the moment when the Star-Warsesque laser noises start clogging up your eardrums.

Oh and here’s a rundown of the Superman Returns footage that was shown. Sounds pretty decent. I put my faith into three things in this flick: Kevin Spacey, dead Marlon Brando’s voice, and Bryan Singer’s ability to highlight every dude’s pant bulge at any given moment. Beyond that, it’s all a big question mark. Better than the odds on X-3 though, with Ratner at the helm. I’d rather see whatever gay 90-minute compilation of ass/cock shots that a Bryan Singer/Oliver Stone co-directing fest would spit out than whatever shit Ratner is putting into the can.

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By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. finally.a nice movie for all the females who want to see some pant bulge action. this is sorely missing from most action flicks, where i have to watch chicks boobs bouncing around. more cock action, wooooh.-prepares to go see that movie-i have high hopes for this year in movies. v for vendetta was the shit.

  2. in defence…I’d suggest that those are probably place holder sound effects until the real deal is made. They’re far too generic sounding for even the most inept director to use.

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