What Now?

I have to travel to Loma Linda today for a big meeting of some sort. This saddens me. I particularly enjoyed being blissfully ignorant to this place. All I know is that it’s basically run by Seventh-Day Adventists, which makes the whole place meat-free. Beyond that, it may as well have been Brigadoon to me.

If I could make you all suffer along with me today, I would. No no, don’t mention it. I’m a sharer. I share.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Subject*:Not all meat, pretty much just pork, but theres so many mexicans around that doesn’t really matter. The real issue here is liquor access.. pretty sure they don’t sell it at all. I think beer sales stop at 10 pm as well. Solution: Drive .5 miles to redlands and get drunk at a ghetto bar/trendy bar/limey bar and then fuck some ugly college chick

  2. LOLHey, it could be worse. I was raised Seventh-Day Adventist. My first taste of meat was at 19. I’m a heathen now. But don’t kid yourself, most SDA’s are not vegetarians. Kinda like most Catholic priests are not celibate.

  3. I’m in Loma LindaShit Sharkey, you dirty Jew bastard. I’m an SDA who lives/goes to school in Loma Linda. If you’re ever out here again, shoot me an email, and I’ll get you drunk and rape you…uhm….and we’ll go bowling?

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