Slice Of The Day: Keira Knightley

Growing up under the orange curtain, you can take one of two paths: you can love Disneyland, or you can hate Disneyland. I’ve been a passholder for a lonnnng time, so it’s pretty obvious which side of the fence I land on. Thankfully I’ve never taken it nearly as far as the cast members or god forbid the pin traders. If you’ve never been accosted by a sweaty pin trader, count yourself lucky. I’d rather spend all day elbow-to-elbow with hoardes of comic convention sorts than share an empty bus ride with one of these sick bastards.

But back to the point. I’m surprised that I had no idea that the reason for the “Pirates of the Carribbean” shutdown was so that they could add Johnny Depp to the scenery. Hopefully the addition isn’t as intrusive as the writer of that article seems to beleive. I’m wondering if they’ll throw Keira Knightley into the mix of whores for sale.

Keira Knightley Nude

Shift yer cargo dearie, show ’em your larboard side…

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. fuck you buddyshe’s gorgeous and anyone who thinks different is clearly a fag, so you either need to man up and realize that small tits or no she deserves to be fucked 12 ways to next tuesday or stfu and kill yourself.

  2. fuck you tooif wanting to fuck a girl that has the body of a 10 year old boy doesn’t make you a fag then nothing can. Except Star Jones, she’s enough to make any man Switch Teams.

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