Irony, An Essential Part Of Your Balanced Breakfast

Barbara Streisand is an idiot.

Only funny because the phrase: “The arrogance of this C student,” is used amidst this jumbled stream of consciousness.

Not that I ever mind jumbled streams of consciousness, it’s just hard to take one seriously with that photo of Babs holding the decor-matching flowers, staring you in the mug.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. babbyi could give a fuck if barbera streisand lives,dies, or grows a third penis.but this things attacking her grammar and spelling rather than what shes actually trying to say(whatever that may be).isnt that what a typical flame war turns into on any given forum when one side has officially lost the argument and cannot dispute what the badspellers saying?=p

  2. its funnyIt’s funny that she’s being attacked for making written grammatical errors attacking an administration headed by a man who can barely go a speech without bumbling some phrase or word.

  3. c student?I was looking at the \”billionaire\” list on yahoo today and was taking note of all that didn’t finish/attend college, dropped out of high school, etc., etc..There are easier things to go after Bush about rather than his high school record. After all, who didnt pull a c in Mr. Borefuck’s math class sophmore year?

  4. wellwell while I agree Streisand’s refering to his term at Yale I wouldnt be surprised if he was a C student in high school either.

  5. Singing is such rocket science. Like it or not honey, he ran a huge state and now runs the country; and what is it she does again? Thats right, she sings and occasionally acts, both rather suckily. That makes her an expert on everything else. Celebrities, is there anything they don’t know?

  6. so he’s president…first off, winning democratic elections for an individual does not increase ones IQ. all it takes to win one is charisma and a capable staff to take care of the rest. hell, it got reagen an air craft carrier named after him.secondly, absolutely no one here is saying that streisand is some how a reputable political commentator (or an expert on anything). I don’t even know where you’re getting that from.and lastly… honey?

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