He’s In For Some GizMONDO Trouble! HAHA…ugh.

More information on the Stefan Eriksson (CEO of Gizmondo) car crash story that I neglected to post this week… seems that the “mysterious Dietrich” who was supposedly driving the car might have been strapped at the time.

A week after former Gizmondo executive Stefan Eriksson’s Enzo Ferrari was destroyed on a Californian highway, police have announced that a gun magazine found nearby may be connected to the crash.

According to the LA Times, detectives are attempting to determine whether the magazine is linked to the incident. They are looking to interview a person who they think was in the car with Eriksson – presumably the mysterious ‘Dietrich’, who Eriksson has previously claimed was driving at the time of the crash.

Sergeant Phil Brooks also told the LA Times that the vehicle was one of two Enzos imported into the US by Eriksson, along with a Mercedes SLR. Brooks said that police have not been able to find the correct papers for the car, meaning it was not “street legal” for driving on Californian roads.

I’m sorry, but how did this shitbag ever get his hands on enough cash to import two fucking Enzos and an SLR? Did he embezzle the cash that should have been put towards picking a suitable name for his shitty handheld?

Oh… right.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. you’ve got to be kidding\”Eriksson was at the time considered to be the brains behind an operation referred to in the media as the Uppsala Mafia after the large town in Sweden where the group operated, and where, interestingly, Gizmondo now operates its Swedish office.\” Swedish mafia…bwah hahaha.

  2. What?What the fuck is a Gizmondo, and how the fuck did these fuckers make enough money from this magical console I’ve never heard of?

  3. SOXI hope the Gizmondo officers like the Sarbane-Oxley brand condom that is going to wrapped around their cell mates dick as he shoves up their asses. Another Enron explosion waiting to happen. Do they have a stock cuz i’d like to short the shit out of it right now?

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