Slice Of The Day: Shannon Doherty

Wow… didn’t think I’d ever say that again. But here we are, celebrating the tiny shreds of fame that Shannon Doherty can muster these days.

How did she wind up in the public eye again, you might ask? There are really only three methods to re-aiming that public spotlight upon a fading star, and they are as follows:

  1. Marry someone far more famous.
  2. Kill, nearly kill, or maim someone.
  3. Two words: sex tape.

In this instance, Shannon decided to opt for choice number 2 by nearly killing some poor sap on PCH. Too bad she didn’t go with #3, she’s pretty much past the expiration date for such publicity stunts. Oh well, there’s always the day four years from now when Jessica Biel needs a fix and a bit of attention.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.

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