Oh Britney Spears, why must you make it so easy?
A Los Angeles County sheriff’s deputy went to the Malibu home of Britney Spears on Tuesday to collect information for child welfare investigators after photos showing the pop star apparently driving with her infant son on her lap began appearing on websites.
Spears, 24, said that she was trying to escape paparazzi and that she held the baby because she feared for his safety.
The photos, by a celebrity photographer, show Spears behind the wheel of an SUV with her 4-month-old son Sean Preston on her lap instead of strapped into a rear car seat as required by law.
Wow… how does this girl not have an adequately capable publicist? Someone to tell her to put a pair of fucking shoes on, shave her idiot of a husband, and I dunno… present herself as anything other than a white trash whore with a mind equivalent to that of a junior high special ed student. Seriously, you’re under scrutiny for every single fucking thing that you do. That’s your life. That’s why you’re filthy rich, it’s a choice you made. Now you’re complaining about not getting record deals and a decline in popularity while you smoke cheap cigarettes and parade around like the queen of the trailer park. Doesn’t exactly fit, does it?
And speaking of fit, get off your husband’s popozao and get on a fucking treadmill.
I should be a publicist. I’d be the meanest, surliest, non-placative career guide you’ve ever seen, and every single one of my girls would be at the top of her game, constantly. She would also have intimate knowledge of my popozao, but that’s just part of my consulting fee.
britneys ass……is definately spreading.dude shes turning into quite the fatty more and more. guess squeezing out puppys will do that.oh well, maybe she’ll be able to costar with kirsty ally after awhile in weightloss jokes.
FunnyIt could of been a nice evening, but sticking it in the wrong hole fucks up the natural balance of things….Shit happens, then you wipe.