
I got a lot of good stuff from everyone yesterday, but I had to share one gift with you. My brother in law gave me the Extreme Lightning Reaction, and I gotta say, this is going to be one of the greatest fucking drinking games ever.

Extreme Lightning Reaction

Set the shock levels, grab a handle, try to be the first to hit the button after the light turns green. If you don’t, you get fucking shocked.

I had to go to four Christmas get-togethers yesterday (oy) and we played it at every single one. There’s nothing quite so satisfying as shocking some old guy who doesn’t know what’s coming. It’s especially fun picking on the sissies who don’t hold onto the handle after the initial shock. Watch out when women play, btw. They seem to love throwing the handles at the table after being shocked.

The one came with batteries installed, which was pleasant. You can probably find the damned thing all over the place, but you should definitely grab one to fuck with your friends.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. YES!I fucking LOVE that game! I used to play it all the time with my buddies in the dorm. It’s ten times more fun when you’re drunk, but it’s even cooler with just two people, because you then can each take a handle in each hand. For extreme fun, turn the setting all the way up and then duct-tape the controller to your hand so you can let go when you get zapped. Like I said, I fucking love that game.

  2. its the shitstep brother got that this year too. we then proceeded to play it with our 6-12 year old younger siblings. good times.

  3. damn.i thought i was the only one that played that game with my friends. it’s hard to believe that thing has such shocking power.

  4. Game hurts like hellbut its funYou can get it cheaper from Spencer’s ($20) at

  5. Extra funParticularly devious sons of bitches (like myself) have figured out that if one were to press the button before the light goes green you also get a shock. So, much like cracking the top of a buddies bottle of beer, hit someone elses thumb when they’re not looking so they get the shock instead.

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