Try Teaching Class From Hell, Bitch

And the award for “Bitch-I’d-Like-To-Strangle-Most” this holiday season goes to…. this evil whore. Bring on the evidence, please:

Farrisi doesn’t believe in Santa Claus, and she doesn’t think anyone else should, either. She made her feelings clear to the classroom full of 6- and 7-year-olds, some of whom went home crying.

Schaeffer got off the school bus later that day, dragging her backpack in the mud, tears in her angry little eyes.

Wow. So basically, she’d like to destroy the fantasies of 6 to 7 year olds for her own personal gratification. That’s lovely. As you can imagine, there was backlash from the parents. Care to see what disciplinary action was taken against a teacher who directly contradicted the wishes of parents, and made a classroom full of children cry?

Since the issue involves personnel, Bell said Monday, there is little he can say about the incident, adding that it has not been determined if any disciplinary action is warranted against Farrisi.

“We do not have a Santa Claus policy,” he said. “It’s unfortunate, but I really can’t say anything about it.”

She’s a substitute fucking teacher, and she’s not going to get reamed for this? I know how the sub teacher program usually works, she should at least get dropped from the fucking call list. You know, if burning her on a big stake in front of the school doesn’t sufficiently destroy her corporeal form.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. hmmmWell if this is indeed the same whore, it says she teaches \”gifted\” people as well. And what the fuck is she gonna say to them? \”Give up your fucking retarded heres a gun point it this way?\” Fuck her.

  2. ummm…First, \”gifted\” refers to smart kids, \”special\” is the one for retards.Second, some punctuation would make your made up quote by her make allot more sense (as it is now it’s nonsense until the reader inserts punctuation themselves).Finally, it’s \”you’re\” you wanted to use there not \”your\” (at least that’s how I interpreted the sentence).

  3. ridiculousGet over it. There’s no difference between what she’s doing and what schools do on a regular basis teaching evolution and constantly invalidating religious teachings.

  4. ErrThere sure as fuck is a difference:THIS IS 6 AND 7 YEAR OLDSWe’re not talking about teaching high school kids SCIENCE instead of Christianity. We’re talking about killing Christmas for a bunch of kids whose innocence on the subject shouldn’t be crushed by some self righetous teacher. How you can compare the science of evolution (which many schools STILL do not do) to some uppity substitute making a classroom of children cry is beyond me. The only possible explanation is that you’re a dense douchebag who likes to argue the unpopular side of a scenario just to be \”different\”. WHAT A REBEL.

  5. ummm skam240If you are going to give advice on punctuation and grammer, please get it right yourself!\”Allot\”, no such word!? – A lot, ithink you mean!?

  6. on par with teaching evolution?!The crime here is that she is ruining these children’s childhood innocence, which for children is priceless. I’ll take your (sociallusion) shpeel against evolution to mean that there are at least some schools out there which actively work to dispel what in children is innocence but in teenagers and adults is ignorance (imagine an adult who believes in Santa).The bible is to be taken metaphorically not literally. Evolution and the science behind it provides a superior argument to explaining where we all came from than any religion ever has.

  7. irrelaventPriceless? You people are sorry saps – do you know what children at that age are like? I bet none of you have or been around children. They don’t believe in Santa, only insomuch as its another person who will give them a present. And besides – why should a substitute teacher’s ramblings cast doubt on anything a parent teaches their child? You ladies sound like it’s the end of the world or something.

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