Star Wars Hilarity

Oh man… oh man oh man oh man. George Lucas has just made a believer out of me. Not a believer in Star Wars, mind you, as that will be a festering pile of camel shit. No dear friends, I have faith that George Lucas is the most radical human being alive.

You know what he’s doing, don’t you? He’s spending hundreds of millions of dollars to produce a giant celluloid cock. A cock that now has him, wearing a school marching band uniform, adorned upon it. And when he’s done with it, you and I are going to pay him over a billion in ticket sales and merchandising for the express pleasure of having him whap us in the face with this digital dong.

He is what all evil geniuses should aspire to be.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Just goes to show you…The Fatneckians got him after all. Watch out Steve, they have you too now after that ET Bullshit.

  2. Just goes to show you…The Fatneckians got him after all. Watch out Steve, they have you too now after that ET Bullshit.

  3. DAMNITFucken ah sharky, here I was minding my own, and I see that you have posted a link about what lucas has done, so I vist and I see the word BLOG on the page, YOU MUTHER FUCKER you forced me to visit my first fucking blog. You need to give us a warning about these blog sites

  4. bwahahaIts about the same principle as when I was real glad to tell everyone I hadn’t seen any movie EVER with that humongously unexpressive piece of shit that is Vin Diesel, but then somenight I watched Pitch Black till about half of it to realise that giant fagget was in it…

  5. uh…Isn’t BAMF a blog? Sharkey et al post news links and personal experiences, and there’s a handy RSS feed. 2 + 2 = 4

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