Woo-Hoo! Spite!

[ Resignation at CNN Shows the Growing Influence of Blogs ]

I feel so much better after reading that sentence. It reminds me of that episode of “Ren n’ Stimpy” where Stimpy built the happy helmet to suppress Ren’s anger. Then in the end, Ren realizes that he’s happiest when he’s enraged. A valuable lesson to us all, indeed. That’s what I get out of this story, because it makes me want to stab every shitkicking high-and-mighty blogger right in their fucking corneas with a rusty gardening tool. And it makes me happy to feel this way. Rage is my valentine this year, and I’m taking her to a fancy dinner.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.

1 comment

  1. Damn BloggersI fucking Hate Bloggers, I also hate the word Blog, this is the only site that I ever say that word, simply because I have to say how much I hate it. blogs and bloggers need to be killed, and in the worst possible way

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