
You know what’s great? When you can get a Photoshop tip and boobies, all wrapped up in one shiny little link. That said, I’m sure you can imagine that this link is not safe for work.

[ Cat Schwartz’s Boobies ]

She’s kind of dwelling on the whole thing on her weblog. It’s not like this is going to really hurt her career. Like a station who’s primary audience is the kind of fat sweaty variety that would enjoy this sort of web-treasure could possibly penalize her for pandering (inadvertently) to their nerdly masturbatory desires. She should set up a paypal donations box as a “tip” for the high-rez versions and get it over with. Oh, and speaking of shameless selling out, I put up a Cat Schwartz gallery. If anyone gets some good looking pics of her, ship them on over to me and perhaps I’ll have enough to scramble a decent SOTD together.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Oh yeah…..*drool*Cat has always been the better of the two. too bad TechTv’s programming sucks.

  2. NopeActually that’s not a feature of Photoshop, it probably was something her digital camera did. That’s why the embedded image didn’t change when she cropped in Photoshop. The thumbnail wasn’t created by Photoshop in the first place.

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