You mean it’s not for who dies?

by on August 23, 2004 @ 9:06 am

So, over at MTV’s website, you can vote for the Viewer’s Choice Award. The nominees are Yellowcard, Simple Plan, Good Charlotte, Christina Aguilera, and Linkin Park. Jesus fucking Christ. Seriously? This is the “final five”?

Kids, this is why I quit watching MTV. I know it’s old hat to bitch about them not playing videos anymore. Hell, it’s old hat to bitch about MTV2 not playing videos. But for fuck’s sake, if this is what videos they are playing, I’m just gonna hope for another Road Rules marathon.

CD Review: the Lashes – “The Stupid Stupid”

by on @ 8:01 am

Hook-filled, poppy, and sunny as a spring afternoon, the Lashes make for a damn fine band to play at parties. Anybody who, upon listening to the Stupid Stupid, doesn’t get a little voice at the back of their demanding that they shake their hips just a little is most likely a robot.

The EP, despite being a short four songs, wonderfully demonstrates from where the Lashes are coming. There are healthy doses of ’80s New Wave, ’60s power-pop, and more than just a little Cheap Trick.

Fine stuff from Seattle… amazing to hear a band so upbeat from that region, after all the Nirvanas, Soundgardens, Murder City Devils, Melvins, etc. that have spread their rain-influenced gloom and doom across the country.

Lookout Records
the Lashes

Kings of it all

by on @ 10:15 am

The new Flogging Molly album, Within a Mile of Home, comes out September 14. However, if you’re not one of the lucky people (such as myself) who got a promo copy in the mail this week, you can go listen to three songs from it on a micro site that SideOne Dummy put together. And, for you kiddies who want to start putting tunes on mix cds to prove how much cooler you are than all your friends, you can download the three tracks they have up, as well.

Seriously, this is a hell of a good disc. I’ve only had it about an hour now, and I can tell it’s fucking phenomenal. The track “Factory Girls” features alt-country chanteuse Lucinda Williams on vocals, and sounds like it was written with her in mind.

Also, if you’re just that fucking into the band, SideOne Dummy has teamed up with their friends at to put together groups of people in various cities. According to SideOne’s site, “they are looking for true Flogging Molly fans to help spread the word. They do all kinds of cool shit. Listening parties, bar patrols, record store scavenger hunts etc…”

Look for the band on tour in the US in September and October to support the album. They’ll be touring with labelmates the Street Dogs and the Briggs, so look for that raucousness to be hitting your area. Show dates and ticket info are available at Flogging Molly’s site in the tour dates section.

Paris Hilton Sex Tape VIAGRA VAL1UM OMFG@#$!@

by on @ 9:42 am

Paris Hilton, the girl who can make the trashy art of sex tapes even trashier.Yeah, so it looks like we’re going to get another Paris Hilton sex tape, since she’s apparently a total fucking camslut. She’d better cash in soon, because people are starting to like Nicole Richie ( STEAMY Paris Hilton is bracing herself for a second sex video scandal, the News of the World can reveal.

Stills and clips of her bonking ex-lover Nick Carter, the former Backstreet Boy, were on a laptop that vanished in the recent break-in at her Hollywood home, she has told pals.

“She’s bracing herself for further embarrassment,” said the source. “Nick and Paris loved making sex tapes.”

But Nick, 24, who split with Paris days before the break-in, says: “There are no sex tapes of me and Paris.”

There had better be sex tapes, you little bastard. Because if not, there is no longer a reason for either of you to exist. In which case, I will have to lay the both of you down in the path of the trucks when we pave over France.

And now, seeing that I slightly chuckled to myself as I realized that we would be burying Paris in Paris, I feel slightly disappointed in myself. I bid you adieu.

Peep Dis!

by on August 17, 2004 @ 11:01 pm

Oh mother of fucking merciful mercies. This is a truly grand story, and I lifted it straight outta the forums. That forum thread box above this post is fucking awesome, and I am totally glad I coded it. DRUNK ME APPROVES!

Oh right… the story.

Officials said Mario Russo, 44, was attacked after he was spotted outside a bedroom window wearing his pants around his ankles and watching a 5-year-old girl who was sleeping outside the Bunkeridge Apartments.

Police said after he was discovered a group of six people, include the girls mother, aunt and their boyfriends attacked him and brutally beat him for more than an hour.

The girl’s mother, Stacy Umstott, 28; her aunt, Athena Lemieux, 20; Brandon Breedon, 21; Nicholas Phipps, 21; and Khald Arafat, 34; and a 15-year-old are in police custody. They face felonious assault and rape charges. Murder charges could be filed if Russo dies.

The girl’s aunt admitted to sexually assaulting Russo with a tree branch, police said.

Fucking. Amazing. The fact that these people were arrested is a testament to the America that lawyers have crafted for us. Just one more step towards destroying them in kilms of immense torturous flame, in my opinion. Well, right after I stop doing websites for law firms. Contact me for a quote, you evil bitches. I do good work.

The Futuarrrr Of America

by on @ 3:22 pm

Yeah, I haven’t been able to post very much since I got back from Hawaii, mainly because my clients are in dire need of my attention at the moment. Another day or so and we should be back on pie-posting track.

In the meantime, I had to share something that I saw on the way back from Garden Grove today. There was a Navigator driving along, the sucker seemed a little bit lifted, thus giving the owner a higher view of the rest of us poor bastards with our tiny (in comparison) fuel efficient vehicles. Well, this guy apparently didn’t have much cash after filling his gas tank, because this thing looked like it hadn’t been washed for a few months. And scrawled across his back window was the typical teenage-angst-driven messages of “Wash Me!” and whatnot. But on closer inspection, these teens had apparently written “WAHS ME WAHS ME!” a few times before realizing their own idiocy, and then scrawling the correct “WASH ME!” below. These aren’t seven year olds, unless you know a near-six-foot seven year old. Although I suppose I was in a predominantly foreign-language dominant area, I should be happy that the teens knew that a car was something that needed washing. Although I guess since that will probably be their primary source of income in the future, they might want to learn how to spell it for the job application.

BTW, anyone else find it fucked up that I was sincerely overjoyed to pay $1.94 for gas today, when a few years ago I was paying exactly half that?

GTA: San Andreas Sneakyness

by on August 16, 2004 @ 2:29 pm

[ GTA: San Andreas Stealth Mode Revealed ] – this game is going to be so fucking massive, I might just have to give up work to play the damned thing.

There are dozens of places in San Andreas to rob, including a number of houses in Los Santos that can be broken into, most of which contain a variety of goods that you can pinch and then hock to build up your wealth. And it’s worth going further afield than your immediate neighbourhood – the flashier districts tend to have a wider selection of luxury items that you can pilfer.

Before you start, you’ll need a getaway van (just hit R3 to jack a moving truck) and you can look the part by buying a ski mask or balaclava from a number of clothing stores. More important than aesthetics though is the fact that, balaclava firmly in place, CJ moves into sneak mode – giving proceedings a whole new Metal Gear Solid-flavoured twist.

If you end up in a house with the inhabitants still in it, you’ll need a baseball bat, shotgun or, ideally, a knife (since this is the quietest weapon) to shut them up – permanently – before they have a chance to call the police. You have to wait until after dark to make your move – people will be sleeping and you’ll have more opportunity to sneak out with the TV or video recorder under your arm (remember this is set in the pre-DVD ’90s). The burglary function works better in the light of the new, bigger interiors – houses have multiple rooms, all of which are worth searching.

God damn. Couple that with the sheer size of the three cities, the gang warfare, the eating and excercising system, and all the new vehicles, and you have a gaming orgy happening right inside your TV. I hope Rockstar isn’t overexerting the game itself, because if I have to go on a crime spree, I certainly don’t want to stop for a burger or do some calf stretches. I’m a hardcore thug, cracka. Jackin’ is my excercise and bling bling is my meat.

Just A Taste Of Home For Me

by on August 13, 2004 @ 2:56 pm

While we were in Hawaii, we saw some amazing sites. Met some great people. Stayed in an incredible house. But I have to say that the trips to some of the places we visited made them all the better. Dirt roads, rocky terrain, dangerous climbs, all of them made the destination seem all the sweeter. From the green sand beach that we had to hike a million years and maneuver down fun cliffs to see, to the all night hike-fest over the lava rock just to get within eyesight of the volcano, it all seemed like something to respect and admire.

That lame sentiment out of the way, I was quite surprised that after a few hour drive to get to this black sand beach, which also had a lovely 45 minute drive just to get across 6 miles of rocky roads, we found this piece of beauty laid in massive white rocks across the dune opposing the beach.

I didn’t know whether to be proud, or afraid. We are everywhere, and we are nowhere. Watch your ass, world.