
by on August 30, 2004 @ 3:39 pm

Titties make every Monday better!


I stumbled across this site while trying to see if some Hungarian women I saw on the ol’ Olympics were as hot as they appeared on the TV:

https://index.hu/sport/sportolono/ (a tad slow, but it is in Hungary after all)

I think this practice should be mandated by IOC for all nations.


It is all about Póth Diana. She takes the fucking gold medal in pants tightening.

The first song off our new album

by on @ 3:33 pm

The Loved Ones are the newest signings to Jade Tree Records. The Jade Tree newsletter has the following to say about the band:

Featuring members of The Curse, Kid Dynamite and Trial by Fire, the three piece has been around since May and already have played with the best and brightest in the scene including The Bouncing Souls, Hot Water Music, Alkaline Trio, The Explosion and None More Black. The band is an explosive mix of punk sensibilities, rock riffs, and raspy vocals. Brian Mcternan (Thrice, Hot Water Music, Strike Anywhere) is slated to produce their CD EP for an early 2005 release.

Seriously, the mp3 below is fucking good. Nice and raspy vocals, sing-along chorus, and very fucking catchy. It’s good and punk, but just a little poppy. Kinda like Kid Dynamite, kinda like the Explosion, kinda like a band I really want to hear more from.

the Loved Ones – Jane

CD Review: Flogging Molly – “Within A Mile of Home”

by on August 27, 2004 @ 4:19 pm

When a band has put out several quality releases, their subsequent musical efforts will unfortunately be judged against those releases, rather than on their own merits. And, as much as I love Flogging Molly, their new cd just isn’t up to par with their previous offerings.

To be honest, Within A Mile of Home is good and it fits into the band’s ouevre quite well. However, when put up alongside Swagger and Drunken Lullabies, the cd suffers a bit. While there are a few standout tracks, such as “Seven Deadly Sins” and “To Youth”, nothing really hits you right between the ears like “Rebels of the Sacred Heart” or “The Likes of You Again.” The only song on Within A Mile of Home that even comes close is “Factory Girls”, and while the harmonies with guest singer Lucinda Williams are fantastic, the song sounds more akin to something off of Williams’ Car Wheels on a Gravel Road than it does a Flogging Molly original.

The sad fact of the matter is mostly that the whole cd sounds like outtakes from the two previous Flogging Molly albums- certainly, it hits all the right pennywhistle notes and Pogues-worthy points. This why the material, while passable, never really hits a strong stride- it’s more of a “Celtic-by-numbers” album than something really nifty. It’s definitely worthwhile for new fans of the Irish sound to pick up, but longtime Flogging Molly fans may feel a bit cheated.

SideOne Dummy
Flogging Molly

Things that make you go “ugh”

by on @ 2:59 pm

So, whilst Irish rockers Ash were playing “Kung Fu” at the Reading Festival yesterday, singer Har Mar Superstar jumped the stage and proceeded to do a striptease.

Looking at that picture, I can think of less sexy things. But aside from having my scrotum massaged with sandpaper, nothing makes me shudder with revulsion quite so much. Well, maybe actually having to listen to a Har Mar Superstar album. With a bunch of hipsters. Hipsters who think it’s clever to be ironic.

Goddamn… I’m never going to be able to listen to 1977 ever again without feeling a need to scrub my eyes with Comet and steel wool. Fuck. I really love that record, too.

Science Just Keeps Making Me Happy

by on @ 10:16 am

[ Forbes: Is Sex Necessary? ]

Wow, they really got in-depth here. Virgins, pay attention, because this is the part that pertains to you…

Fans of abstinence had better be sitting down. “Saving yourself” before the big game, the big business deal, the big hoedown or the big bakeoff may indeed confer some moral benefit. But corporeally it does absolutely zip. There’s no evidence it sharpens your competitive edge. The best that modern science can say for sexual abstinence is that it’s harmless when practiced in moderation. Having regular and enthusiastic sex, by contrast, confers a host of measurable physiological advantages, be you male or female. (This assumes that you are engaging in sex without contracting a sexually transmitted disease.)

Heh, it’s funny because I went to religious school for years, and to this day I don’t know anyone who actually stuck to their guns with the whole “saving yourself for marriage” thing. I mean with guys, it’s damn near impossible, unless you’re too ugly to procure any vagina that isn’t paid for or mail-ordered from Russia. Our version of “saving ourselves” means hypocritically spouting holier-than-thou rhetoric until a willing female graces us with her naked presence. Then all moral inhibitions go out the window once natural instinct kicks in. With women its all about saving yourselves until one of us gets you drunk enough to remember that you have a warm liquid substance pumping through your veins.

Now the scientists run down a pretty list of the benefits that come from getting your swerve on. The top contenders are obviously better fitness, longer lifespan, and less depression. Some of the more surprising benefits are better teeth and a better sense of smell. I would imagine that you don’t actually have hightened olfactory system, just that you get a good whiff of the sweatyness that has just occurred. Shower, and possibly use some mouthwash, and I bet your mutant sniffing power dissipates a bit there, Wolverine.

BTW ladies, here’s an interesting footnote for you:

Women who abstain from sex run some risks. In postmenopausal women, these include vaginal atrophy. Dr. Winch has a middle-aged patient of whom he says: “She hasn’t had intercourse in three years. Just isn’t interested. The opening of her vagina is narrowing from disuse. It’s a condition that can lead to dysparenia, or pain associated with intercourse. I told her, ‘Look, you’d better buy a vibrator or you’re going to lose function there.'”

Remember that word boys, its called “dysparenia”, and it’s far more frightening than saying “baby, if we don’t it might hurt later!” Why let your little prom date wait, if its only going to cause her pain and suffering later in life? Don’t you care about her? No? Well you care about you, right? If so, you might want to take this into account:

The penis, says Eid, is wonderfully resilient. But everything has its limits. Penile tissues, if given too roistering or prolonged a pummeling, can sustain damage. In cases you’d just as soon not hear about, permanent damage.

“I see it in pro football players,” says Eid. “They use Viagra because they’re so sexually active. What they demand of their body is unreasonable. It’s part of playing football: you play through the pain.” This type of guy doesn’t listen to his body. He takes a shot of cortisone, and keeps on going. And they have sex in similar fashion.”

Hear that fellas? Pre-workout stretching and warmup is key in all professional sports and activities. So do yourself a favor, have a pregame sports drink of your choice, have yourself a light pregame workout, and select a proper glove. Because remember brother, it’s your health.

The More You Know about women... the higher your risk of brain implosion. Don't do it fellas, your brain will thank you.

Hey Baby, Wanna Test Out My New Hardware?

by on @ 9:27 am

I’m sure that you’ll forward me a lot of weird crap today, but this dude takes the fucking cake, and it’s only 10 AM. Dig:

A German who had his lower jaw cut out because of cancer has enjoyed his first meal in nine years — a bratwurst sandwich — after surgeons grew a new jaw bone in his back muscle and transplanted it to his mouth in what experts call an “ambitious” experiment.

According to this week’s issue of The Lancet medical journal, the German doctors used a mesh cage, a growth chemical and the patient’s own bone marrow, containing stem cells, to create a new jaw bone that fit exactly into the gap left by the cancer surgery.

They have pictures of the guy’s back, but none of his post-transplant face, which is what everyone probably wants to see, but shouldn’t.