Turn On Off The Fun

by on @ 1:03 pm

[ Best Buy Fucking Hates You ] – Are you an “Angel Customer” or a “Demon Customer?” And which one are you going to be after reading this?

So much for the customer always being right.

Some retailers are deciding that the customer can be very, very wrong — as in unprofitable. And some, including Best Buy Co. Inc., are discriminating between profitable customers and shoppers they lose money on.

“What we’re trying to do is not eliminate those customers, but just diminish the number of offers we make to them,” Anderson said.

Wow. That’s a lot of bluster for a company that usually has higher prices than their competitors. Especially on DVDs, the bastards. My heart might bleed the tiniest bit for them, if they didn’t treat me like a dick every fucking time I visit one of their stores. The salespeople are condescending, they never have enough open registers, and the fucking door people who check the receipts can be downright vicious.

I think that consultant is going to be fired, btw. Nobody within the corporate brass of Best Buy is going to want a Nazi like that representing the company to a newspaper. They like to keep their Nazis posted at the doors, or held safely in the office behind a bunch of PR experts like everybody else.

I Mosh For Jesus

by on July 5, 2004 @ 1:57 pm

[ “Do The Jew” Is My Personal Favorite ]

By the third day of Creation East, the granddaddy of Christian rock festivals, Dave Lula could pick a winner among the merchandise he was selling. It was a $12 T-shirt of his own design that said “I Mosh for Jesus.” The crowd was young, Mr. Lula figured, and this appealed to their sense of humor and independence.

T-shirts screamed or punned for attention. One shirt declared, “Body Piercing Saved My Life,” and showed a hand with a nail through it. Other brisk-sellers said “Jesus Freak” or mimicked the Mountain Dew advertising logo, tweaking the slogan to read, “Do the Jew,” meaning to emulate Jesus. Booths promoted Christian colleges, foreign missions and a DVD player that skips over racy material in movies.

The body piercing one got me to chuckle as well. Good for them.

Shameless Self Promotion

by on July 2, 2004 @ 2:07 pm

You will notice, my new best friend, that there is a new “top referrers” area on the left. This is the new link system (special thanks to harrybits for his awesomeness), which automatically tracks whether or not you are linking to badassmofo.com. If you want in on the link exchange program, just link to badassmofo.com, and if you can send us a few hits, you’ll wind up on the list.

The preferable method to link to bamf is something along this line: badassmofo.com

Just in case you cared, sliceoftheday.com does the same damn thing. So if you’re looking for more traffic, or a boost in your google PR, give it a shot.

For the rest of you who either don’t run websites or don’t care, I give you Saddam Rock-Paper-Scissors. Happy Friday.

What, No Kiss Goodbye?

by on @ 11:23 am

Well… I guess that’s it for Interplay.

Less than a day after CEO Herve Caen said Interplay was “still here,” the publisher has apparently been shut down by the State of California. The Orange County Register’s Tamara Chuang reported late Friday that California’s Department of Industrial Relations, Division of Labor Standards Enforcement forced the Irvine, California-based developer-publisher of Fallout to suspend operations.

The closure followed a snap inspection of Interplay’s offices by investigators, who found the company was without workers’ compensation insurance and had not paid employees. According to officials, there were 14 staffers on-site Friday during the inspection, and 79 still on Interplay’s payroll–down nearly 40 since their mid-April financial statements.

I guess their last shot is this Fallout MMORPG, which I probably won’t care about, since I don’t play MMORPGS. Penny Arcade’s got a pretty funny commentary on the whole thing. I feel bad for all those poor bastards who haven’t been paid, but still cling to the hope that their hard work and sacrifice can pull the company out of the red. I hope it pays off, for their sake.

It’s sad for me, because I’ve been over to the Irvine Interplay offices many times, and I’ve always enjoyed the fact that it was right there. When I was with the old game company, we met with Interplay folk trying to get funding or advice many times. Not to mention all the free games over the years. Now I’ve gotta go cozy back up to the Blizzard crowd again. *sigh*

Slice Of The Day: Lindsay Lohan

by on July 1, 2004 @ 2:40 pm

A happy 18th goes out to EvilPoda, who has specifically requested that little miss Lindsay Lohan as slice of the day, since she becomes legal tomorrow. Your wish is granted chief, along with some fresh pics for your enjoyment.

Lindsay Lohan... she probably still won't get naked, but at least we can legally hope for it now.

A quick scan of IMDB shows a bunch of Disneyesque flicks in Ms. Lohan’s future, so it doesn’t look like she’ll go the naughty route like Anne Hathaway, but who knows. Herbie The Love Bug could have a topless scene or two.

…IT COULD HAPPEN. Fucking pessimists.

Does Whatever A Spider Can

by on @ 1:26 pm

Alright, now that we’ve got that out of the way, let’s talk about Spider-Man 2. Now, I went and saw the midnight showing of it the other night, because I was pretty excited to see it. And now that I’ve experienced the film, and read all of the raving reviews for it, I have to pose this question:

Did I see a different movie than the rest of you?

Don’t get me wrong, the flick was alright, but man did a lot of the dialogue drag. And the acting was sub-par a lot of the time, and goddammit, why is machinery evil just for evil’s sake? Not to mention that every time Mary Jane and Peter started talking, I felt embarassed for them. Embarassed, then annoyed at the five minute long conversations about nothing.

Now, I am trying to go see the flick again, because I want to like it. I was in a very bad mood, and really out of it the other night, so perhaps I wasn’t in a very Spidey place. In the spirit of good will, I’m going to pretend I didn’t see this flick. I’m going to grab a large coke and some sour Skittles® and watch this motherfucker one more time. And dammit, it better not seem like Spidey is swinging to nothing out in the middle of the ocean at the end again, or I’m going to get really pissed.