It’s NOT Over, Prime!

by on July 23, 2004 @ 11:27 am

where Steven goes off the fucking deep end like his pal George.Gentlemen, set your wangs to “splode.”

The toymaker Hasbro’s “Transformers” line will be hitting the silver screen.

Dreamworks, the film company co-founded by Steven Spielberg, will oversee the Transformers movie, scheduled for release in summer 2006. They’re calling it a “thrilling action adventure.”

Pawtucket-based Hasbro created Transformers in 1984. The product has expanded into a comic book series, a television program on the Cartoon Network and an animated feature film.

Hasbro will act as consultants to the film. Dreamworks will distribute the movie domestically, while Paramount will market it overseas. is reporting that this little bomb was dropped sometime during the Comic-Con this week. However, a quick search of the net turns up some older stories, which are now updated with the news that Spielberg is attached to produce. Whatever, I just hope it doesn’t fucking suck. And it would be nice if they found Lion and had them do the Transformers theme again, maybe some Stan Bush licks on the soundtrack.

And maybe not so much of this. (NSFW… I guess.)

Not So Final Now, Is It?

by on July 22, 2004 @ 2:11 pm

POW! I PUNCHA YOU FACE!I love the Final Fantasy, it makes me happy. Well, except for when it sucks, like 8. Or bores me, like 9 (or did I switch those two?). Or is online… well fuck, alright. I guess most of the time, I love Final Fantasy. That’s why I’ve got mixed bits of happiness and dread regarding Square’s plan to do a Final Fantasy VII spinoff (not Advent Children, mind you) that supposedly stars Vincent. Who when I played the game, accidentally got an extra “e” at the end of his name when I did the confirmation screen, so I call him Vincente. There goes Vincente, Latin gunslinging vampire extraordinaire.

Also, I’m pleased to hear about the new RPG Company “Mist Walker”, spearheaded by Final Fantasy godfather Hironobu Sakaguchi. He’s teaming up with old school FF artist Yoshitaka Amano, so hopefully they will bring some of the old school elements that I miss back into the mix.

Now that I have successfully endured my nerd fix for the day, I will wash the stench of desperation off my body and re-emerge to post a slice of the day. This could take awhile, so don’t hold your breath.

I’m Smooth Like ButtaAARRGH!

by on @ 1:35 pm

So I was driving down the street just a few minutes ago, windows rolled down because its so fucking hot out right now. I cruise up inbetween a little white car and some overly rank sanitation truck.

I look to the right, and the white car is filled with hotties. The driver sees me, I give a slight nod of acknowledgement. The girls in the back look over and smile. It’s a good California day, you know? Then the light turns green, I start to drive up to my turn, and I check over to the right. The driver and the side passenger are looking. So I’m about to flash them a smile when my left arm starts to give a funny tingle. I turn it over and I kid you not, the biggest fucking bee thing I’ve ever seen is now resting on my forearm.

“GAAAAAAAH!” I yelped, as I threw the thing out the window and simultaneously slammed on the clutch, making an excellent rev. I immediately realized my complete lack of slickness, while I batted at the somehow newly returned bee thing, which was now settling in my hair. After I tried to calmly brush him off my head (to save face, naturally) I looked back to the right to see the girls chuckling.

Thanks bee, for the humility.

What a waste of plastic

by on July 21, 2004 @ 2:54 pm

There’s a new movie called Wicker Park coming out in September. It has Matthew Lillard and Josh Hartnett. This should be enough to make you avoid the theatre like the plague.

Of course, if that wasn’t enough, the soundtrack features a cover of “The Scientist” by Coldplay. The cover is done by Johnette Napolitano & Danny Lohner. Napolitano, you may recall, was the lead singer of Concrete Blonde. *shudder* I’d sooner drink paint than listne to that.

Ironic Death = Caption Time!

by on @ 11:02 am

[ Tree Fiendishly Murders Environmentalist ]

TULSA – Blake Champlin, a Tulsa lawyer and environmental activist, died Monday at his home when a tree supporting a hammock fell and crushed him.

Champlin, 45, died instantly, said Gerald Hilsher, an attorney with Shipley & Kellogg, Champlin’s former law firm.

All right, you know the drill. Start your captioning….. NOW! I’ll start.

The tree just wanted to hug him back.
If a tree falls on a hippy, and there’s nobody around, does he make a sound?

That’ll Take The Starch Out Of Your Sails

by on @ 10:37 am

Ouch. (stolen directly from IMDB)

Hollywood actor Benjamin Bratt suffered the ultimate embarrassment when he agreed to surprise a fan on Oprah Winfrey’s chat show – she had no idea who he was. Bratt was initially happy to go along with making his alleged admirer’s day, but once the two met he quickly learned that a big mistake had been made somewhere along the line. He recalls, “There was the story of an aunt who had written in to the show saying that her niece is a huge Benjamin Bratt fan and she was disappointed because she couldn’t get tickets for the show. So the producers of the show wanted to surprise her. They called her down to a spa in downtown Chicago and they told her that she was going to be the recipient of a massage and a facial, etc. Well, the gag was for me to show up with a bouquet of flowers and walk out to the lobby where she was sitting and say, as I did, ‘Hi, I’m Benjamin Bratt, I’m going to be your masseur for the day!’ She just looked up at me and went, ‘Okay…’ She had no idea who I was! The aunt got the niece to show up at the spa and she had no idea who I was, so needless to say, it was footage that was completely unusable. It was incredibly humbling.”

Yeah. That’s gotta sting the old ego a bit.

…right up until he goes back to banging Talisa Soto on the huge pile of money that he got for being in Catwoman while remembering how good Julia Roberts was at mouthifying his business. He’s hurting alright. Bastard.

Hmm… Sweet Freedom, Or Beer?

by on July 20, 2004 @ 4:02 pm

All of the excellent credit for this story goes to Killbot. No sharing for him.

ROGERSVILLE, Tennessee (AP) — The party’s over for four inmates accused of going on a beer run after the jail’s doors were accidentally left unlocked.

Two of the inmates walked out through a fire exit, leaving the door propped open with a Bible, and made a hole in the exercise yard fence. They walked to a market, bought some beer and returned to the jail to share it with other prisoners. When the booze ran out, the other two inmates made another beer run to a different store.

The store visits did not raise alarm because the inmates were wearing street clothes borrowed from other prisoners. The crowded jail does not have enough orange jumpsuits to go around.

That last line is classic. Really sums up the glory of Tennessee when a county jail can’t afford orange jumpsuits, let alone competent workers.

CD Review: the Briggs – “Leaving the Ways”

by on @ 3:25 pm

Hey, all right… SideOne Dummy seems to have found a replacement for Madcap. That’s good. As diverse as the label is, it’s good for them to have a streetpunk act. Granted, there’s nothing that sets the Briggs apart from the Casualties, Madcap, One Man Army, or the Swingin’ Utters, but they sound pretty tough.

Leaving the Ways is pretty much five songs of straight-ahead oi- typical brusque lyrics with meancing delivery and guitars that are more punk rock than straight punk. The last track is, well… not oi. The EP’s final song, “Top 40”, is a complete dub-wise tune that threatens to blow out the subwoofer on your stereo.

Not a bad EP, and if you’re into any of the band mentioning previously, it’s worth a spin or two in your CD player. For your average punk fan, though, it’s not going to really blow your skirt up.

SideOne Dummy Records
the Briggs

CD Review: Communiqué – “Poison Arrows”

by on @ 3:18 pm

There’s a part of me that simply wants to dismiss Communiqué as a Hot Hot Heat rip-off act, and leave it at that so I can go back to playing solitaire. Unfortunately, the band is not that easily summed up.

The band does, in fact, sound an awful lot like Sub Pop artists Hot Hot Heat. However, where Hot Hot Heat is more punk and abrasive, Communiqué goes a smoother route. For the first thing, Communiqué is a much more pop-oriented act. Rather than go for an angular sound, they lean towards more mellow song stylings. In fact, it’s almost as if the act is an organic version of the Postal Service. They’re the same mellow dance-oriented sounds, only played with instruments, as opposed to being programmed into a computer.

The vocals, at times, resemble pop-era Police and the keyboards are more New Wave synth-style than most acts that attempt the sound. There were a few times I thought I was listening to Pleasure Victim-era Berlin, they hit the early ‘80s sound so well.

Certainly, it took several listens to Poison Arrows before I got over the similar sounding nature of Communiqué, but I am now trying to pass off the name of the band to anyone I can. It’s not an instant “holy shit” listen, but the album is certainly well worth the time it takes to grow on you.

Lookout Records