
I couldn’t let a Peaches’ post remain at the top of this site for much longer. Especially one where she gripes about ordering a TV online. I mean cmon, I’d buy them tits online long before I let those greasy Amazon fucks touch my television. Especially not after I ordered Tiger Woods for the Wii from them, and they sent me the DS version. That wouldn’t be so bad, if they hadn’t broken down their “product shipping process” to me. I had asked why, if my order clearly said “Wii”, that the shipping department would be able to mistakenly throw in a DS cart, as they’ve clearly seen the difference while working there. The customer service rep replied “oh I wouldn’t think so, they just walk up to whatever drum has that name on it, yank out your item and then throw it in a box.” This procedure definitely turned me off from buying any of the higher ticket items.

This new Simpsons trailer can now enrich the top spot.

I don’t really have anything to say in closing here, so why don’t you just remember something funny I might’ve said like four years ago, and pretend that I said it right now. Make it really a really funny one though, if you would. I’ve been feeling a bit self conscious lately, and could use the kudos.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.

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