Make The Homiez Say Bomb, And The Girlies Wan’ Scream

I was at lunch across the street, and behind my girlfriend’s head was a tv with some sort of bomb threat in Boston. It was too far away to read the fine print, so I wondered just what was going down in Beantown.

“Aqua Teen Hunger Force” Stunt Forces Bomb Scare In Boston

Electronic light boards featuring an adult-cartoon character triggered bomb scares around Boston on Wednesday, spurring authorities to close two bridges and a stretch of the Charles River before determining the devices were harmless.

Turner Broadcasting Co., the parent company of CNN, said the devices contained harmless magnetic lights aimed at promoting the late-night Adult Swim cartoon “Aqua Teen Hunger Force.” Law enforcement sources said the devices displayed one of the Mooninites, outer-space delinquents who appear frequently on the show, greeting visitors with a raised middle finger.

Best. Payoff. Ever.

Boston Sucks

Thank you for this, Boston.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. ZOMG!!! In a post 9/11 era someone put up signs with lights and battery power for advertising purposes???? Has the world gone mad? It must be Turner Broadcasting’s fault that these terrifying devices brought a city to its knees believing them to be bombs! And that sinister Mr. Berdovsky, or shall I say “Zebbler”? What could a man like that be capable of? We must lock him up!

    WTF? I could see if they had randomly dropped off small ticking boxes wrapped in plain brown paper with the message “Watch ATHF or the next time this won’t be a note.” or something else inside, but a sign of a Mooninite flipping folks the bird? Honestly people, get a fucking grip.

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    Immediate action must be

  3. in honor of the recent events, I give you…

    A few quotes from the website
    A random mooninite quote generator

    The first being especially potent…

    “The explosion shall be of extraordinary magnitude. Just hang on.” -Ignignokt

    “Fryman, we’re full of religion now. Everyone, bow your heads and pretend to be serious.” -Ignignokt

    “Let’s leave this primitive rock because there’s nothing but cavemen here.” -Ignignokt

    and probably my favorite…

    “Alright, when I say your name, you say ‘here.’ And we will assume ‘here’ is short for ‘here I am…rock you like a hurricane.” -Ignignokt

  4. That’s the first time I’ve actually laughed at a man in dreds in a way that wasn’t malicious towards them. This is entirely stupid. There is no case. GG American Gov’t.

  5. ….later that day….Toys R Us is raided by police to remove potential bomb making materials…. ie Lite Brites

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