Find A New Alien Life Form… And Fuck It

NASA Finds Life On Mars, Kills It

That’s the ticket. Steven Spielberg has spent a lot of time and money to convince us that alien life is cute, cuddly, and loves our most peanut-buttery of terran candies. I say fuck that peace loving bullshit, blow them out of the fucking sky or wherever they come from. Then we can analyze the smoldering bits and determine whether or not their females were hot and had compatible orifices, and move forward appropriately.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. This is surprising?Yeah…..shocking. This coming from the same group of government agencies that only just realized that things like smoking and dumping the old engine oil in the backyard was actually bad.I’m surprised I actually survived the 70’s.

  2. Chew chew kew chew….At least Michael Bay knows how to show us what will really happen when we discover life on Mars.

  3. ######Find the author of the message in a bottle. ——————————————————————————– The note reads, in fairly good handwriting:To any that can aid me-Please, my need for help is dire. A great Skymane holds me captive on an island in the South Seas.The stars at night are foreign to me and obscured by the jungle trees, but on the clearest days I see Wild Shore to the northwest, and what seem to be large sailing ships to the southwest.I beg of you, my would-be savior, please help me.

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