
Michael “Kramer” Richards goes off.

Eh. If you’ve ever been to a live comedy show, sometimes the comedians pick on the ethnicity of hecklers or talkers to shame them into shutting the fuck up. It’s just that Michael Richard’s way of picking on them wasn’t funny.

OK… it was kind of funny.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. It would have been funnyIf the dude would have punched him the fuck out. Racism is washed up like Michael Richards’ career.

  2. this wasn’t funnyit was pathetic. he’s racist and he let everyone know it, and then tried to cover it up with some phony ass \”oh-i-was-just-trying-to-make-a-point\” bullshit. the dude is not funny when he doesn’t have larry david writing for him, and that’s just something everyone will now know.

  3. funny to me =Pi laughed, those guys yelling at him sounded annoying and ignorant as hell, people r too uptight about that word

  4. i laughedSo it’s cool for black comedians to make fun of white people for HOURS. Finally a dumbass gets called out for being a dumbass and all he can reply with is \”it’s uncalled for\”

  5. Finally someone says what most of us are thinking!\”So it’s cool for black comedians to make fun of white people for HOURS. Finally a dumbass gets called out for being a dumbass and all he can reply with is \”it’s uncalled for\”\”Couldn’t have said it better myself. I hate the fucking double standard bullshit that the pussies in this country bow to these days.

  6. It’s a bit different In the framework of the act or joke he could say it all day long. I say Dice back in the day and the audience was 1/3rd black and they were laughing their asses off, because it was part of the joke. What Kramer did had no jokes attached to it at all. He was just spouting off.

  7. not funnyhe needs to get hate out of his heart.If we hate someone because the color of their skin. I think the person has a mental problem.IT just as bad as someone on crack.The hate is eating them day and night.

  8. not funnyhe needs to get hate out of his heart.If we hate someone because the color of their skin. I think the person has a mental problem.IT just as bad as someone on crack.The hate is eating them day and night.

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