
Things to buy today: The Wizard on DVD, starring Sir Frederick of Savage in his greatest role ever. Also starring the chick from Rilo Kiley as “that girl who screams ‘He touched my breast!'” also known as the hottest line ever uttered in any film since the dawn of time.

Things to burn in angst-filled disgust today: Tenchu DS. The DS stands for “Dark Secret,” and the dark secret is that this game is a bigger piece of shit than anything that ever came out on the Philips CD-i. It took longer for me to actually purchase this game than it did for me to start up the DS, begin playing, and come to the conclusion that I want to stab the developers responsible for this shitfest right in their soulless eyes.

It amazes me that all of these developers still bother coming up with acronyms to suit the whole “DS” theme, as if they had a choice. When Nintendo says “put a DS at the end” they mean “put a DS at the end or you’ll be stuck developing for the PSP, gaijin dog.” If it were me, I’d just let them call it DS and not bother coming up with something clever just so that it seemed like I had some semblance of creative control in regards to the title.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.

1 comment

  1. Jenny LewisI have heard tell of flashing rumors by her at a Bonnaroo past, but have seen no photographic documentation.

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