11 Year Old Blind Pimp… Or Not

[ Uh… Good Thing He Was Blind ] – Teacher (female) is going to jail for “raping” an 11-year-old blind boy.

Considering the super-hot piece of ass the last kid got, this poor guy kinda crapped out, with the exception of being blind. Which I guess is kind of a sick blessing, the blindness. Or maybe I’m the sick one, calling it a blessing. Hmmm… guess I’ll have to meditate on that one.

Shit, I’ve only got nine minutes before the store stops selling meditation juice. Which I need. …for the meditation.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. damnyou beat me to it…A Hicksville woman pleaded guilty to three counts of rape and sex abuse yesterday.and then the picture, golden, just golden.

  2. alcoholalcohol is a drug.you use that drug to meditatemeditation leads to enlightenmentso why is it that when you open your eyes the morning after a long night of drinking that you squint so hard? enlightenment… maybe not…

  3. FrankGarvinYou are a douche.Douche’s are used to cleanse Vaginas.Your vagina is full of sand.So why don’t you douche your vagina and cleanse it of all it’s sand? Filthy vagina… I think so…

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